

Salem Witch Trials

Today’s episode, “Salem Witch Trials” is on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Happy Halloween! We are releasing Tuesday’s episode early because how could we NOT? Next Tuesday is soooo close to Halloween, and we just wanted to end the month of October with a doozy of a story. Most people know about the Salem Witch Trials, but not everyone has a direct connection to the participants in that very sad time of American history. Well, to be honest LOTS of people might be connected, but not every Mugly Truth Podcast cohost has that connection. Yep, you have a 50% chance of guessing which of us has a very infamous ancestor and how said great, great, great, great, great, great, etc. grandsomebody or other wasn’t exactly the nicest person in the village. Can’t pick your family, amirite?

In our research we both realized that the truth about the Salem Witch Trials was so much darker than the history we learned eons ago in grade school. Back then it was a watered-down skimming of the story, topped at one point by reading Arthur Miller’s dramatic and largely fictionalized, The Crucible. As adults, naturally we have learned more about life and the bonkers things that people do—regardless, we sure had our eyes opened about the true horrors of 329 years ago.

Depiction of the witchcraft trials in Salem Village. Engraving, 1876. (Public Domain)

The truth was embroiled in many factors affecting the colonies, particularly Massachusetts, in the 1600s: extreme weather resulting in a very cold winter; government and judicial dysfunction; deadly pushback from local indigenous people; archaic, oppressive superstitions and religious beliefs; lack of scientific knowledge of illnesses both physical and mental; extreme racial, gender, and social class prejudice; and lots and lots and lots of land envy. Some even believe that the aftermath was actually the first government cover-up in American history since so many of the documents and “evidence” obtained during the trials were destroyed.

Aside from the government-sanctioned murders of 20 innocent men and women, three accused people died while awaiting trial in jail. Many who survived the experience of being accused, and/or jailed (which often included torture) had their reputations, which were sacrosanct in those times, destroyed. There were no treatment resources to help cope, heal and recover after the trials ended. Dorcas Good, for instance, was only 4 when she was jailed alongside her mother Sarah and her siblings. She died at the age of 16, reportedly mentally ill and homeless.

This illustration by John W. Ehninger depicts Tituba, an enslaved woman of color who was the first to be accused of and jailed for witchcraft, only to be released back into enslavement a year later.(Public Domain)

Tituba, enslaved – and beaten – by village Minister Samuel Parris, was the first to be accused by Parris’ daughter Betty and niece Agibail Williams. She was jailed for a year only to be released to a new “master” who was willing to pay her jail fees.

Some who took part in the accusations repented of their horrible part in the affair. Ann Putnam, one of the original accusers, apologized after her parents died. Judge Samuel Sewall begged forgiveness for his sins relative to the trials. Yet, others thrived and spent the rest of their lives denying any wrong-doing (Betty Parris, Judge William Stoughton, we’re looking at you).

Even though the government later attempted some form of restitution to the families of those who were executed, it was a fairly hollow gesture since not everyone involved in the accusations were brought to justice. People such as Sherriff George Corwin profited nicely from the proceedings. Corwin never returned the property he illegally “impounded” (aka stole) from those who were thrown into his jail. However, he did die at the age of 30 only a few years later. Karma? Who knows (but in our opinion, yeah, kinda).

Today we understand the long term ripple-effect of such horrific trauma. We can also look back and identify the possible psychology and science behind the girls’ behavior (mass hysteria, teenage hormones, possible fungal poisoning, mental/emotional abuse or oppression, the list is so long) whereas back in those days anything other than piousness was chalked up to bewitchment. It was a terribly sad and horrific point in America’s history (among many others…#enslavement). Yep, we definitely did NOT learn the whole truth in school.

Even though we now know more than the we did as children, we realize we have only learned about and recounted a very small part of this entire saga. And even then there are likely inaccuracies in today’s conversation.

We also want to acknowledge that although we are releasing this on Halloween, we know there is no connection between the “witches” we celebrate during Halloween today and the innocent men, women, and children (and two dogs) who were ruined on so many levels in the name of witchcraft in 1692.

Photo by Wallace Chuck on

As we said in the episode, we want to visit Salem, MA someday but will do so with a more sober perspective than we had before we started learning the deeper truths. The history of Salem is vast and there are many documentaries, books, podcasts, and YouTube videos out there, some better than others. So if what you hear on our episode today piques your interest, we encourage you to do your own research…it’s a huge rabbit hole to jump into so good luck with your sleuthing!

Sources We Mention in Our Episode

This vintage postcard depicts the kitchen of the Governor’s Faire House, which was built in 1930 as part of a living history museum in Pioneer Village near Salem, Massachusetts. (Public Domain)
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

Thank you for visiting our blog and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! If you like what you read, please tell a friend or two, you can even share the article. It all helps! If you haven’t listened to the episode yet, give it a go…we think you’ll like it.

Check out The Mugly Truth Podcast’s episode Salem Witch Trials on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or (almost) anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then all you need to do is 1) subscribe, 2) download, and 3) listen! AND!!! 4) If you enjoy what you hear, please leave a rating and a review. The more subscribers and reviews we get, the more opportunities we will have to grow this podcast!

Don’t forget to follow us here at (click that blue WordPress Follow button on the right side of your screen) so you get notifications every time we post an episode blog! You can also follow The Mugly Truth on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Please also follow Kym on Tiktok at kymtok.

© The Mugly Truth 2021 and © The Mugly Truth Podcast 2021. All rights reserved.
Intro and outro music,
Clever as a Fox by Espresso, Inc. through
Outtake music
At the Fair by The Green Orbs, courtesy YouTube Audio Library.
Featured photo of Creepy Forest by Francesco Ungaro on


Who Spooks YOU?

Today’s episode, “Who Spooks YOU?” is on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

With Halloween around the corner it’s likely many of you are lining up your favorite movies to get yourselves creeped out for the main event on October 31. With that in mind, we wanted to talk about popular villains associated with this time of year in our Who Spooks YOU? episode. And while most people know the big, BIG names of cinematic villain history, there’s really an entire universe out there from multiple genres to fill anyone’s needs. There are the classic villains like Dracula, Wolfman, the Blob and the Mummy. There’s the horror route with Freddy, Jason, Michael and Carrie. And let’s not forget Voldemort who actually made Harry Potter an orphan on Halloween night (please pause while Kris raises her wand in a moment of silence). For less horror and more wholesome-ish humor, Disney’s Sanderson Sisters, Kalabar, or Cruella de Vil are on tap (ummmm…did we say wholesome?). With so many to choose from we decided rather than talk a little bit about a whole bunch, we would instead delve deep into the dark closets of just two big time bad guys. Without knowing what the other one chose, we came up with two characters who couldn’t be more opposite in scope. Today we dig up the skeletons of none other than The Invisible Man and Oogie Boogie! So if you haven’t listened yet, head on over to your favorite podcast app and give it a go. Hopefully it will get you primed for your upcoming Netflix and chills.

H.G. Wells’ book, The Invisible Man. Public Domain, Wikipedia.
Poster for Universal Picture’s 1933 Invisible Man. Public Domain, Wikipedia.

Kris kicks off the episode discussing the classic H.G. Wells science fiction masterpiece The Invisible Man, written in 1897. Let that sink in. If you’ve seen the latest redux of the story in 2020 (Leigh Whanell’s The Invisible Man) you may be shocked the original story was written over 100 years ago. Or maybe it isn’t that shocking since horror greats such as Dracula and Frankenstein were also published in the 19th century (1897 and 1817 respectively). Thirty-six years after Wells’ book was published, the 1933 film starring Claude Rains was released to wild enthusiasm and became a part of the monster universe that had already found its way onto the early cinema screens with the 1913 silent film The Wolfman and Dracula in 1931 starring Bela Lugosi. If you’re interested in reading Wells’ original publication, you can do so with this Project Gutenberg eBook.

Kym’s Instagram photo of Oogie as he stands tall over the California Adventure entrance. Photo courtesy Kym Wagner.

Kym’s choice should surprise no one as it is one of Disney’s most iconic spooky villains of all time—the day-glo, bug-filled, zaftig, gamblin’ burlap sack Oogie Boogie! Kym delivers every line describing OB’s horrible character from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) with relish. Although Oogie was the most difficult to…um…flesh out (?) as a character, they hit vocal gold with Ken Page’s fantastic voiceover. Seriously. Can you imagine OB sounding like anyone else? No. No you cannot. Nightmare Before Christmas is the only movie we can think of that wholly encapsulates the HallowThanksMas holiday season, bridging the gap between what we believe are the two greatest holidays of the year…uh…Halloween and Christmas…DUHHHH. (That’s just our opinion and it’s totally ok if you disagree). It even has a passing nod to Thanksgiving in the forest portal to the holiday towns with a turkey carved into the door of the Thanksgiving town tree. As passholders, Kym and her family eagerly await the annual spooktacular overlay Disney does every year at the resorts, especially the “jacking up” of the Haunted Mansion with all the writhing, glowing Burtonesque deliciousness that is Nightmare. Best of all, it is infused throughout with Oogie’s particular brand of odious greatness.

It should not be a shocker that in our conversation about these two characters we had a whole slew of unanswered questions crop up! So to answer what seems to be more questions than we usually have, here are the links to the articles we cited in our discussion and links with answers to all the head-scratchers:

Article Citation

Things We Didn’t Know But Now We Do Thanks to the Interwebs

  • Oh THAT’S His Name. Sorry Mark STRONG. Kris unbelievably forgot your name and is forever shamed because Stardust is one of her favorite movies and you make drowned zombie Septimus a thing of wonder. Also, it’s John the Valet, not John the Butler in Cruella de Vil.
  • Saturday Morning Ghouls. The Groovie Goolies was a cool Saturday morning staple from 1970-1971 and even spawned a punk band later down the line. Who knew? We didn’t. But now? We all do.
  • Oh THAT’S His Name PART TWO. Sorry Rod TAYLOR who was an AUSTRALIAN actor, not English, and starred as H. George Wells in the 1960 film adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.
  • Wells Welles Well. Orson Welles was NOT related to H.G. Wells (note the difference in spelling as clue 1) BUT, Welles borrowed from Wells and produced one of the most historic radio broadcasts in the…um…history…of…well, of radio broadcasting. (Regrouping, stand by). If you’re not familiar with Orson Welles, you are definitely under the age of 20, dare we say even 30, which is just sad as he was one of the best writers/directors/actors of the golden age of Hollywood who spooked — nope…FREAKED THE EFF OUT — the entire country of the US of A. Yep, America got severely shooketh in 1938 when his “War of the Worlds” radio drama was broadcast as a series of news bulletins about a small town in New Jersey getting invaded by murderous Martians. People all over the country panicked, calling police, calling newspapers, packing their bags and booking tickets for off this planet thinking we were indeed under attack by visitors from outer space. Oh, yes, young millennial…your great grandparents believed in martians if only for one night. By the way, Orson? Only 23 years old when he created the biggest fake news in the history of fake news.
  • Read This We Dare You. Ok, so Kris knows NOTHING about refractive air index thingy, as Mr. H. G. Wells described in his book The Invisible Man, but here’s an article that you can read if you really want to be a smarty pants. Please send synopsis of Refractive Air Stuff for Dummies when you’re done. Just…comment down below.
  • OH THAT’S HER NAME. Because we needed a token woman in this list, the most lovely Constance Bennett played ghostly wife Marion Kirby to Cary Grant’s (if you don’t know who Cary Grant is…why..who are…wha??) George Kirby in the delightful 1937 movie Topper. Watch it. GO WATCH IT. You. Must. Watch. It. GO! Shooo…And then watch Topper Returns.
  • Wait! Don’t Watch it Just Yet, We’re Almost Done. Jenna Elfman is not an Elfman by blood, but by marriage. She is married to Danny Elfman’s nephew Bodhi. We’re not linking to Bodhi. We’re tired of linking things. Go Google him yourself. We’re going to bed.
  • But Wait THERE’S MORE. For the love of…well we can’t go to bed til we talk about Amy Bruni, of Ghost Hunters and Kindred Spirits fame, who is now the host of her own podcast called Haunted Road. There are 12 episodes in a season, and season 1 just ended, so don’t be like Kris and think your podcast app is broken because there are no more episodes even when all the other podcasts were updating just fine because NO there can’t not be more episodes AND WHEN IS SEASON TWO COMING OUT???!!??.
  • Nope Not Done Yet: Hotel Transylvania. If you want a cute yet hip animated monster fix this Halloween, go watch the Hotel Transylvania movies. The cast is incredible (Adam Sandler, Andy Samburg, Selena Gomez, David Spade, Fran Drescher…the list is vurrrrrry long) the scripts are well written and humorous and the animation is Disney level (Sorry Sony…) The stories are great for the family without being too adorable (but that little ginger baby is actually adorable…just sayin’).
  • Finally, We End With Frankenweenie. For information about Tim Burton’s Disney-period stop motion short go here.We think it answers the questions we had. Frankly-nweenie, right now we don’t even know our own names.

Thank you for visiting our blog! Don’t tell us you made it this far without hearing the episode!? Go on…go listen, you’ll not be disappointed! (We hope).

Check out The Mugly Truth Podcast’s episode “Who Spooks YOU?” on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or (almost) anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then all you need to do is 1) subscribe 2) download and 3) listen! AND!!! 4) If you enjoy what you hear, please leave a rating and a review (pretty please?). The more subscribers and reviews we get, the more opportunities we get to grow this podcast!

Don’t forget to follow us here at (click that blue WordPress Follow button on the right side of your screen) so you get notifications every time we post an episode blog! You can also follow The Mugly Truth on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Please also follow Kym on Tiktok at kymtok.

© The Mugly Truth 2021 and © The Mugly Truth Podcast 2021. All rights reserved.
Intro and outro music,
Clever as a Fox by Espresso, Inc. through
Outtake music
Big Top by Sir Cubfoot, courtesy YouTube Audio Library.
Featured photo of Ghostly Hand by Pedro Figueras on


Halloween Inspo

Today’s episode, “Halloween Inspo” is on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

This episode is all about celebrating the time of our people! HallowThanksMas is upon us! October is in full swing so of course we need to bring inspiration to you for an epic Halloween. This is a short and sweet blog since we missed posting it last week, so without further ado, here are the articles we cited, as well as some of the people, documentaries, and just about everything else we mentioned!

What and Who Inspired Us to Inspire YOU:

Thank you so much for visiting our blog! If you made it this far, why not give the episode a listen?

Check out The Mugly Truth Podcast’s episode “Halloween Inspo” on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or (almost) anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then all you need to do is 1) subscribe 2) download and 3) listen! AND!!! 4) If you enjoy what you hear, please leave a rating and a review (pretty please?). The more subscribers and reviews we get, the more opportunities we get to grow this podcast!

Don’t forget to follow us here at (click that blue WordPress Follow button on the right side of your screen) so you get notifications every time we post an episode blog! You can also follow The Mugly Truth on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Please also follow Kym on Tiktok at kymtok.

© The Mugly Truth, © The Mugly Truth 2021 and © The Mugly Truth Podcast 2021. All rights reserved.
Intro and outro music, “Clever as a Fox”  by Espresso, Inc. through
Outtake music
At the Fair by The Green Orbs, courtesy YouTube Audio Library.
Featured photo of Halloween Decorations by Kristen Core.



Today’s episode, “Remembering” is on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Photo by Padli Pradana on

“Remembering” is another organic conversation with a couple of loose topics. We pay homage to some celebrities who passed this year (some to Covid) but the two who took Kym down the rabbit hole are the recent loss of both Michael Constantine and Ed Asner (both natural causes). The talk flows into the ongoing pandemic and mask/vaccine division before heading into discussion about how we remember exactly where we were when 9/11 happened and what it means to both of us today. We also discuss the Columbine High School massacre, and the overall, far-reaching ripple effects of mass trauma. We wrap it up with some stories of people who were in the World Trade Center towers and survived.

Two podcasts we recommend highly are 9/12 and Confronting Columbine.

9/12 is a podcast that looks at how we as a nation coped in the days after 9/11, from multiple perspectives, including the writers of The Onion, a parody news publication that makes a living poking fun at the world. How do you be funny when something so devastating has happened? This Rolling Stone article talks more in depth about the podcast.

Confronting Columbine focuses on giving voice to various survivors, first responders, and detectives from that horrific school shooting in April 1999. It was a tragedy that changed the way emergency personnel train for and respond to mass shootings. Host Amy Over was a senior at Columbine High, and had just received the news from her basketball coach Dave Sanders that she had received a scholarship to college. Later that morning when she saw him again in the hallway, the look on his face indicated something was horribly, horribly wrong. The last thing Coach Sanders said to Amy was, “Run!

In the space of just over 2 years, the world as we knew it was irrevocably changed, and we have become a nation motivated…by fear. But no matter how crazy the world gets…we’re here just trying do what we can to strive to be better human beings: being the happiness, the hope, and the love we want to see in the world. It’s not always we’re successful at, but we keep trying.

Links to Articles

Photo by ksyfffka07 on

Thank you so much for visiting our blog! If you made it this far, why not give the episode a listen?

Check out The Mugly Truth Podcast’s episode “Remembering” on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or (almost) anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then all you need to do is 1) subscribe 2) download and 3) listen! AND!!! 4) If you enjoy what you hear, please leave a rating and a review (pretty please?). The more subscribers and reviews we get, the more opportunities we get to grow this podcast!

Don’t forget to follow us here at (click that blue WordPress Follow button on the right side of your screen) so you get notifications every time we post an episode blog! You can also follow The Mugly Truth on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Please also follow Kym on Tiktok at kymtok.

© The Mugly Tru© The Mugly Truth 2021 and © The Mugly Truth Podcast 2021. All rights reserved.
Intro and outro music, “Clever as a Fox”  by Espresso, Inc. through

Outtake music
At the Fair by The Green Orbs, courtesy YouTube Audio Library.
Featured photo of 9/11 Memorial by Lars Mulder on


Magical Scrolling

Today’s episode, “Magical Scrolling” is on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Today’s episode is two basically polar opposite segments. First up is all things Disney: Magic Keys, our favorite latest Disney+ channel shows and movies, and Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser experience—yay or nay? Then we switch over to the less pleasant topic of internet trolls and the toll they can exact if you get caught up in a cyber-argument with one. This was actually supposed to be the topic for the entire episode. Honestly, this is how conversations over coffee go…and we’re not hating that we talked just as much about Disney than we did jerky trolls who wouldn’t say boo to their own shadow in real life away from their computer keyboard. We wrap up the episode with a list of days you can celebrate in September. Oh and we throw in a bit of a lament about summer, heat, and pray for the onset of Fall. Would it be an episode during summer if we didn’t?

Photo by Craig Adderley on

So have you been back to Disneyland (any resort) since they reopened? Have you used the new “Magic Keys” system? Paid extra to get on a ride sooner? (Honestly it smacks a bit of nickel and diming, but it’s so soon in the process it’s hard to say. Plus we think we’re just jealous. Because we sure do miss our Disneyland!) As for the Galactic Starcruiser experience one of us is totally for it and the other…meh…not so much. At least until the Keys are obtained, there’s Disney+ content that brings the parks and rides into our homes through the fantastic Behind the Attraction series. 10 out of 10 highly recommended! Speaking of Disney+ lineups, have you seen Cruella yet? We can’t wait for THE ROCK…ummm…THE JUNGLE CRUISE (with Dwayne The Rock Johnson, ahem.) Oh, yeah, by the way, Dwayne Johnson is executive producer for Behind the Attraction. Hmmmm…coincidence? (((((We think not.)))))

Photo by Allan Rodrigo on

As for segment two of the episode, or, internet trolls, our advice is scroll on by, pure and simple. These days getting into a comment section argument can have dire consequences as one of Kym’s acquaintances recently found out. How about you….what’s your stance on freedom of speech? Cancel culture has become very dangerous, as discussed in this article from 2019. Where do the lines become blurry about what can and cannot be said out loud or in a public forum? When does “my opinion” cross a line? How far does it go before dire consequences set in? How effective are no-tolerance policies in companies…is posting an emoji the same as posting a hateful slur-laden paragraph of vitriol? And this isn’t just about hot topics like Me Too, BLM, or Red vs. Blue. This type of negativity has trickled down to the mundane, every day life postings about gym workouts, pumpkin spice, and Christmas decorations. It seems these days nobody can Agree To Disagree or Live and Let Live. Usually when someone feels they must post a dissenting opinion we get more and more angry and spiteful remarks. Like, you’re actually losing your s**t over a coffee flavor/fitbit readout/Christmas tree in November and shaming those who do find happiness in those things. Why?

Photo by Ellie Burgin on

This age will likely be known as the Era of Judgment.

All we can say is 1) know your company’s policies about employee behavior and speech outside the company, 2) is it really worth the energy to get involved in these (inane) arguments) and 3) if what you want to say is not true, kind, helpful, or necessary, just maybe keep it to yourself because you never know how far that stranger you just pissed off will take their grievance with you. If you want to be an activist and change the world, there’s better ways to do it than argue with a lonely, miserable person on a computer. Just. Keep. Scrolling.

Links and Answers

Like today’s episode, we are NOT ENDING ON A NEGATIVE NOTE! For links to the article we cited and answers to the questions brought up during the conversation, read just a liiiittle bit more:


  • Kris stated our outtakes music from our last episode Whadya Say? was Big Top by the Green Orbs. The song title is Big Top by Sir Cubfest. The outtake music from two episodes ago (How It Started) is At The Fair by The Green Orbs.
  • Kym’s statement about missing a reserved attendance day at Disneyland landing you in Disneyjail for 90 days was a tad off; the policy is 3 no-shows in a 90 day period will get you a 30-day suspension from booking additional reservations. So know before you go!

Thank you so much for visiting our blog! If you made it this far, why not give the episode a listen?

Check out The Mugly Truth Podcast’s episode “Magical Scrolling” on Apple Podcasts, SpotifyOvercast, Libsyn, Pocket CastStitcher, iHeartRadio, or (almost) anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then all you need to do is 1) subscribe 2) download and 3) listen! AND!!! 4) If you enjoy what you hear, please leave a rating and a review (pretty please?). The more subscribers and reviews we get, the more opportunities we get to grow this podcast!

Don’t forget to follow us here at (click that blue WordPress Follow button on the right side of your screen) so you get notifications every time we post an episode blog! You can also follow The Mugly Truth on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Please also follow Kym on Tiktok at kymtok.

© The Mugly Truth 2021 and © The Mugly Truth Podcast 2021. All rights reserved.
Intro and outro music, “Clever as a Fox”  by Espresso, Inc. through

Outtake music Big Top by Sir Cubfest, courtesy YouTube Audio Library.
Featured photo of Angry Emoji by on